
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am so happy that I was able to share my Thanksgiving with my family, boyfriend, and especially with my happy 2 month old nephew! I hope you all had a special day wherever you are!

I'm going to share this year's table setting. I kept the table simple since the food is the main attraction (and major space taker.) I found the pine cone place holder idea here. You can use names or write something related to the day! (The little walnut is for my nephew.)

Thanks for taking a look! Until next time,

Sunday, November 11, 2012

DIY Autumn Placemat Pillow

Before I begin sharing my latest project, I want to announce that at the end of September I became a proud new Aunt!  (This is also the reason I have been MIA from my blog.) 

 I'm stopping by tonight to share another placemat pillow that I created for Autumn.  (You can find my past placemat pillow tutorial here.)  

I bought this placemat at Pier 1 Imports for a little less than $4.  (I love the gold trim detail!) Remember to look for double lined placemats if you want to do this project.  This time around I used stuffing to fill the pillow.  I cut the stitching of the placemat to make a small hole (but big enough to fit my hand.)  Then I stuff the pillow and simply hand stitched the hole closed.

The holidays are coming and I am excitedly gathering ideas.  I'm looking forward to sharing more projects in the near future!

Thanks for coming by,