
Monday, November 14, 2011

Placemat Accent Pillow

I came across this great idea to use a placemat to create an accent pillow on a few DIY blogs.  Accent pillows can be expensive, and so when I saw this idea I knew I had to try it.  This project was so easy to do! I'm going to start looking for holiday placemats so I can create decorative pillows for Christmas!

What you need:
a double layered placemat (I bought mine for $2.99 at Home Goods.)
a pillow or pillow stuffing

sewing or make up scissors

a needle and thread

a snap button

How to do it:
1. cut the seam of one side of the placemat using small scissors

2. stuff the placemat with a pillow or with pillow stuffing

3. sew a snap button on the inside of the placemat lining (I used a button so that I can change the pillow cover.  You can sew the placemat shut if it's going to be a permanent cover.)


That's it! See how Simple?

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Amanda, you really have a gift! Love the table setting and the leaves are a wonderful idea! Will have to try it next year!
    Mrs. J


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