
Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day!

Here in Canada, the day after Christmas is a holiday called Boxing Day.  My friends in the states might be asking, what is Boxing Day? There are different theories about the origin of Boxing Day, but as I was reading I found that no one knows for sure how the tradition started (as you can see here.)  My family spends the day relaxing. (We need to recover from two days full of eating!) We might go to the movies or visit relatives and friends.  

To play off the name, Boxing Day, I'm going to guest feature my Aunt Stephanie who is a pro at wrapping boxes! Each year she uses her creativity to make each gift stylish, unique, and simply beautiful! Here are some pictures of her presents from this year.

 Wired ribbon works great to create the perfect bow.

Ornaments tied to the bow make each box unique and elegant.

I hope you enjoy your holiday, however you spend it!
Thanks for stopping by!

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